A ride to work, to the grocery store, to a doctor’s appointment, to church— these are transportation needs many of us take for granted. For many of our neighbors in greatest need—elderly residents, those living with a disability, and residents who are unable to drive—transportation can be the difference between being mobile and being homebound.

The MOOver’s mission is to support the health and well-being of our region by providing rides to school, work, medical appointments, shopping, adult day care and congregate meal sites for neighbors in need.

Here’s the story of one of our riders, Ida, who has been riding with us for 15 years: “If I didn’t have the MOOver to bring me to work each day, I would be working multiple jobs and paying for transportation to and from those jobs, probably barely scraping by. I would have to depend on someone else. The drivers are great, always smiling and have fun music. It is very important for my husband as well.”

You can make a difference in the lives of your neighbors. Your charitable contribution will help The MOOver keep people mobile and independent. You would also be helping to stimulate our local economy, keep elders living at home longer, and providing choice to riders without cars or whose families are busy at work.

Would you please make a generous donation today to help ensure these two small nonprofit transportation operations can continue to serve those across our community in need? With your gift today, you will be helping Vermonters who need access to health care. The MOOver uses buses and volunteer drivers to transport dialysis and chemotherapy patients to and from their medical appointments.

You will also be ensuring The MOOver services are here for you, and your family too. You never know when you or someone you love will need reliable transportation or when assistance may be required during natural disasters, snow storms, and times of need.

Thanks to the generosity of people like you, The MOOver provides almost 300,000 rides each year. We connect to Brattleboro to Bennington, Readsboro to Wilmington, and provide almost 80,000 rides between Mount Snow and Wilmington each ear. We take visitors to resorts, restaurants and shopping. We take employees to work and students to school and after-school activities. We couldn’t do any of it without the help of our community.

Please consider sending a tax-deductible $50 gift today by clicking here.

Thoughtful friends like you make our organization’s work possible. Thank you!

Southeast Vermont Transit, Inc.
45 Mill Street, Wilmington, VT 05363
Phone: (802) 464-8487
Email: randys@moover.com
Fax: (802) 464-0164
Randy Schoonmaker, CEO
Leona Linney, Finance Manager

The Current website

MOOver web site

Copyright © 2019 Southeast Vermont Transit